Passive Profit University (PPU)

Welcome to Passive Profit University, the complete guide to starting your own online business and making money. This six-module e-book series will teach you all you need to know to set up your own, profitable, online business. It couldn’t be easier!


Learn how to plan, start and run a successful internet business.


Limit your startup risk by starting with the right knowledge and tools..


Make passive income and eventually live the life you desire.

Act Now

Act now, and get the entire set for just $99 (a savings of over 30% compared to buying the modules separately); or start with Module One for the low cost of $25.


Making money online isn’t hard. I don’t mean the “not hard” you hear when you read a sales page screaming about how money will fall from the sky at the press of button. I mean that the basic formula for making money online is straightforward. While there isn’t one right way to structure an online business, there is a method of doing things that will help you.

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Broaden Your Skillset

It’s not really magic, but it can feel like it when things start clicking for you. Passive Profit University is going to show you how to create this kind of online business for yourself. You’ll learn about the various components in the six modules of this course.

Why Take the Passive Profit Course?

Each module builds forth on the last one and serves as logical stepping stones to getting the most out of your online business and making money online.

The Course Guide

Passive Profit Univeristy works very well as proven repeatedly in various businesses that have been launched with this system.


Melany Krangle

Director at NRG Expert

Edward Jones

Student, London

Gérald Thibaud

Student, Paris

Scott Wallis

Energy Professional, USA

Ready to Get Started?